Friday, September 19, 2008


So I walked away from my makeup yesterday and completely for got that I left my case open. Well, I was wondering why Tyler was so quiet for about 20 minutes until Rileigh comes to tell me that Tyler got into my lipstick! I went to go investigate and found tyler into my mascara and all my lipglosses where he decided to paint his face! lol. The pics don't even do it any justice. I must say, I have been worried about Tyler being a little too in touch with his feminine side! although he does like his trucks and trains, he definatley likes Rileigh's barbies and dolls as much as she does. As well as wearing her shoes and watching all her barbie and princess movies. I think having another boy is just what we need right now! lol. Hopefully Tyler will find his idenity! LOL.....Rileigh will be in trouble!


Beverly B. said...

He's looks so beautiful:)he he!

I think he'll move on to more boyish things later but Ryleigh is a big influence on him right now. Another boy will help. You should keep that photo and use it for blackmail when he's older.

Holly Steffen said...

it depends what kinda canning you wanna do. waterbath canning you don't need a special canner. to can low acidity things or meat you need a pressure canner. we just do waterbath for now. someday i'll get a pressure canner! (maybe after i get a HOUSE!)

i can't go to enrichment although it seriously sounds so fun!!! that is parker's first birthday and we're having a party at my parents house from 1-3p. =[ i wish it was a different day.

hknight said...

Love the makeover! He is SO stinking cute! Can't wait to see baby #3!

Nikki Thompson said...

haha hopefully he didn't do too much damage to your case! I could just see your reaction now! I'm on a quest for a good body lotion and I have yet to find one I absolutely love...any suggestions?

~Paige~ said...

I love that little man SO much, what a little girly boy he is! Hopefully it's just a stage haha You need to lock up Rileighs toys and anything girly ;) Love you guys! Give them both big hugs and kisses, tell them their Aunt Paige says hi and so they don't forget me :( I need your number AGAIN!