Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This morning I had my 3D sono! I got really lucky and was able to get some good shots of him. He wasn't moving a whole lot but his face was in the perfect position for a picture. Some of my uterus and the cord were in the way, which is what some of the dark spots are. I got 11 pics total, some of them pretty much look the same, as well as a cd of some of the images. So far he looks healthy and we are right on track. I am also 30 weeks today, YAY! It was really neat to see since i couldn't do it with Rileigh and Tyler was too scrunched to get a shot. I cannot wait to hold this little man in my arms♥


Holly Steffen said...

aw! he already looks like a drake. =]

what a cutie.

Brianne said...

Those are awesome pictures! I am sure he will be absolutely adorable...can't wait to meet him!!