Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I made sugar cookie cut outs with the kids this year.....gotta love the flour mess that always covers the kitchen! I don't think I was cut out for it this year.....I was just too big to do anything! But the kids had fun playing with the dough and Rileigh actually made some cut outs! I am not really crazy about those cookies, they don't really tempt me....but they are festive and fun to make!

A day later a couple of my good friends and I (Kristin and Jenn) got together so our kids could exchange their little gifts and we made Gingerbread houses! I think us adults got into it more than the kids at first, lol.....but when we got sick of it we decided to let the kids go at it not caring what it looked liked :)


Anonymous said...

awwww I love Rileighs little santa suit she has on while making cookies, is it an apron? I cant tell.. Ive always wanted to try Gingerbread houses but idk if I have the patience...

♥The Drake Family♥ said...

she is wearing an apron....i have a matching one but i didnt post it bc i looked like santa instead of mrs. claus, lol. these gingerbread houses were sooooo easy, they were just those kits that you buy for $10 at the store.